Coma Berenices Constellation | Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere

Coma Berenices Constellation | Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere

COMA BERENICES CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the constellation Coma Berenices, Berenice’s Hair.

Coma Berenices Constellation
Image from: Star Registration

It is a constellation in the northern sky. It was named after Queen Berenice II of Egypt.

Berenice was married to Ptolemy III Euergetes, who went on a mission against the Seleucids, who had killed his sister during the Third Syrian War.

Berenice swore to Aphrodite that she would cut off her beautiful long, blonde hair, hoping that the goddess brought Ptolemy back home safely. Aphrodite was pleased with Berenice’s offering that she had placed it in the sky.

The constellation was considered by Ptolemy as an asterism in the constellation Leo, where it represents the tuft at the end of the lion’s tail. It was eventually promoted to a constellation by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.

It houses the Black Eye Galaxy (Messier 64), Messier 98, Messier 99, Messier 100, the globular cluster Messier 53, the Needle Galaxy and the Coma Cluster of galaxies, as well as the northern part of the Virgo cluster of galaxies.

It belongs to the Ursa Major family, along with Boötes, Camelopardalis, Canes Venatici, Corona Borealis, Draco, Leo Minor, Lynx, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.


Among the stars include:

  • Beta Comae Berenices
  • Diadem
  • FK Comae Berenices
  • Gamma Comae Berenices

READ ALSO: Canes Venatici Constellation | Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere

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