PNP Identifies Gun Used To Kill Los Baños Mayor

PNP Identifies Gun Used To Kill Los Baños Mayor

LOS BAÑOS MAYOR – The Philippine National Police’s Crime Laboratory recently identified the gun used in killing Los Baños Mayor Caesar Perez.

Image from: Wikipedia

PNP Crime Laboratory director Police Brigadier General Steve Ludan reported that ballistics examination, which was conducted on the metal fragments that was collected from the crime scene shows that they are bullet jackets that were fired from a caliber 5.56 firearm, according to a report from GMA News.

“Similarly, ballistics examination conducted on the metallic fragments recovered from the cadaver also revealed that they were fired from a cal. 5.56 firearm,” 

Ludan added that Perez died from gunshot wounds to the head, trunk, and right shoulder.

The mayor of Los Baños, Laguna, was among the included in President Rodrigo Duterte’s narco list. He was laid to rest over the weekend.

Perez was shot to death on December 3 at the municipal hall by still unidentified suspects.

Probers were investigating further whether or not the killing was politically motivated. The victim’s alleged link to narcotics would be part of the invetigation.

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