Stray Dogs Protect Homeless Man Even When Facing Danger

Stray Dogs Protect Homeless Man Goes Viral On Social Media

STRAY DOGS PROTECT HOMELESS – Dogs truly are one of the most loyal creatures on the planet and even a pack of strays proved this.

Among the many issues most cities face is the increased number of stray dogs roaming around. As such, most of the local governments initiated a program to catch these dogs to send to a pound.

Meanwhile, another issue most urban areas have are homeless beggars sleeping on the sidewalks. But, even with nothing to his name, one beggar apparently helped out a group of stray dogs and fed them. Because of this, they developed a bond and turned into a small family.

However, this family was about to be torn apart as the Kajang City Council went through their routine work of catching strays. Unfortunately, what they didn’t expect is receiving backlash for their operation.

Stray Dogs Protect Homeless Man Even When Facing Danger

Netizens commented:

“Homeles guy has nothing but is able to take care of the dogs. Yet, MPKJ is taking away the one thing he has. Please show more compassion. The dogs are not strays, they have an owner”.

“They chose to stay instead of run. They are ready to protect the tramp without thinking of themselves”.

Sadly, much like most dog-catching programs, the animals are placed in a pound for a certain amount of time. If they can’t get adopted within the time period, they would be put down.

Stray Dogs Protect Homeless Man Even When Facing Danger
Stray Dogs Protect Homeless Man Even When Facing Danger

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