What Is Categorize? Definition And Usage Of This Term
WHAT IS CATEGORIZE – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.

The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:
- place in a particular class or group.
On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as the following:
- to put into a category
Here are some of the following synonyms:
- classify
- class
- group
- grade
- rate
- assort
- break down
- class
- classify
- codify
Its root word is the term category. The term category is a late Middle English term which is from the French catégorie or late Latin categoria. It is derived from the Greek katēgoria, which means ‘statement, accusation’.
Here are some of the examples:
- Now available for both PC and Mac platforms, this is a two-part program. The first part operates on your computer, searching the drive for pictures and allowing you to name them, categorize them, and otherwise organize them.
- Tech Reviews adds smartphones as they’re released and doesn’t categorize them at first glance by price, cell phone service provider, or anything else.
- Her dress lacked flattering shaping and contained so many different elements, it was difficult to categorize.
- There are many ways to categorize postcards including the era in which they were made or the subject matter on the card.
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