Facebook Bans Anti Vaccine Ads On Social Media Platforms

Facebook Bans Anti Vaccine Ads Amid Global Pandemic

FACEBOOK BANS ANTI VACCINE ADS – There are several ads popping up on Facebook recently discouraging the use of vaccines.

Since then, there has been an alarming growth of anti-vaxxers across the globe. This poses a threat as the majority of these anti-vaxxers largely promote the use of unstudied methods and disregard health protocols. Sadly, some even believe that the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax and that you don’t need masks because your body has its own immune system.

Because of this, Facebook has announced a ban on advertisements that discourage netizens from getting vaccinated. Furthermore, the social media platform also emphasized the need for preventative health behaviors amid the pandemic.

Facebook Bans Anti Vaccine Ads On Social Media Platforms
Image from: Tech Crunch

While public health experts agree that we won’t have an approved and widely available Covid-19 vaccine for some time, there are steps that people can take to stay healthy and safe”, said Facebook.

Most of the banned ads on the platform were disinformation and scams flagged by the medical and health institutions such as the World Health Organization. Moreover, Facebook also announced to launch an information campaign in the United States promoting vaccinations against the seasonal flu.

Currently, there is yet to be a vaccine for COVID-19. However, several companies have already begun the third phase of clinical trials for their vaccine candidates.

Unfortunately, one of the leading companies in the race for the vaccine Johnson & Johnson halted studies as one of its participants developed an unexplained illness.

What do you think about this move by Facebook? Leave a comment below!

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