What Is Conclave? Definition And Usage Of This Term
WHAT IS CONCLAVE – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.
The Oxford Dictionary described this term as the following:
- a private meeting.
- the meeting place
- the assembly of cardinals for the election of a pope in the Roman Catholic Church.
On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as the following:
- a private meeting or secret assembly
- a meeting of Roman Catholic cardinals secluded continuously while choosing a pope
- a gathering of a group or association
Here are some of the following synonyms:
- gathering
- assembly
- conference
- convention
- convocation
- council
- session
It is a late Middle English term which is from the Latin term which means ‘lockable room’, which is a combination of two words con–, which means ‘with‘, and clavis , which means “key“.
Here are some of the examples:
- He was almost the only one who succeeded in making a firm stand in the tumultuous conclave of 1378; but the deliberation with which he made up his mind as to the validity of the election of Urban VI.
- The great men of the city met in solemn conclave to consider how the difficulty was to be met.
- This is a purely deliberative conclave, worked by committees, and all its legislation has to be confirmed by the two Associations before it can have any force or be legal.
- The whole conclave may be compared with the enclosed bazaars or khans of Oriental cities which are usually locked at night.
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