Authentic Development Of Brazil, Its Strengths And Weaknesses

What Are The Strengths and Weaknesses of Authentic Development In Brazil?

AUTHENTIC DEVELOPMENT – Brazil is a country with so much potential for authentic development.

However, we need to take note of the term “potential” as the country’s chronic issues plague its capability of growth. Brazil is a country with so much potential for authentic development. However, we need to take note of the term “potential” as the country’s chronic issues plague its capability of growth.

Due to the high emphasis on economic growth, economic inequality struck its people. This caused social divisions leading to a whole array of issues linked to social disparities.

Authentic Development Of Brazil, Its Strengths And Weaknesses

Authentic development requires not only economic growth, but the holistic growth of the people. Furthermore, these lives cannot be measured by bars, graphs, and percentages on a sheet of paper.

To truly achieve this, Brazil needs to focus on social development as much as it does the economy. This is because a truly developed country is one where its people thrive.

Here are some of its strengths and weaknesses:


  • Brazil is one of the key members of the G20 Leading Economies. It holds a degree of influence in import/export along with countries such as China and Russia
  • A strong export policy with incentives for manufacturing exports creating a trade surplus which could potentially lead to economic growth.
  • Expansion of software industry paves the way for Brazil to dawn a new era of technological growth within the country


  • Extremely high economic inequalities create massive social divisions. In turn, creating a greater divide in educational and social development
  • The country spends less on educational and social expenditures.
  • High crime rates in poverty-driven areas or slums, especially in the favelas which is notoriously run by mafia families

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