What Is Linguistics? About The Social Science Branch
LINGUISTICS – In this topic, we are now going to know and learn about a branch of social science known as linguistics.
It is basically known as the scientific study of language. This branch involves the analysis of language form, language meaning, and language in context. People who study this branch are known as linguists.
Linguists usually analyse human language via observing an interplay between sound and meaning. Aside from this, they also deal with the social, cultural, historical, and political factors which influence language.
Here are the following sub-branches of this branch:
- Historical linguistics
- This refers to the study of language change over time with regards to a specific language or group of languages. It is among the first sub-discipline to emerge in this social science branch.
- Syntax and Morphology
- This branch is concerned with the order and structure of meaningful linguistic units such as words and morphemes. These study the rules and constraints that govern how speakers of that language can organize words in to sentences.
- Semantics and Pragmatics
- This concerns with meaning. These have traditionally been divided by the role of linguistic and social context in the determination of meaning.
- Phonetics and Phonology
- This branch is more fixated with sounds and is largely concerned with the physical aspects of sounds like acoustics, production, and perception.
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