What Is Greed? Definition And Usage Of This Term

What Is Greed? Definition And Usage Of This Term

WHAT IS GREED – In this topic, we will first know the definition of the term “greed” and how is this term used in sentences.



The Oxford Dictionary described this term as the following:

– intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.

On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as the following:

– a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (such as money) than is needed

Synonyms and Antonyms

Here are the following synonyms and antonyms of the term:

  • Synonyms
    • avarice
    • greediness
    • acquisitiveness
    • rapacity
    • cupidity
    • avaditiy
    • possessiveness
    • materialism
    • pleonexia
    • gluttony
    • hunger
    • desire
    • urge
    • need
    • appetite
    • craving
    • longing
    • yearning
    • thirst
    • pining
  • Antonyms
    • generosity
    • temperance
    • asceticism
    • indifference


It is a back-formation from the term greedy, which is from Old English term grǣdig and in lieu to Old High German grātac.


Here are some of the following examples:

  • He was a ruthless businessman, motivated by naked ambition and greed
  • Perhaps I was being unfair but everything we’d been able to do was close to ending with a sad whimper, due to the greed of this woman.
  • They are malicious gossip, greed of money, giving security, nocturnal robbery, murder, unchastity.
  • His qualities and his defects were alike exhibited on a generous scale; and if his greed and arrogance were colossal, so were his administrative capacity and his appetite for work.

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