Astronomers Discovered Galactic Wall Beyond The Milky Way
GALACTIC WALL BEYOND THE MILKY WAY – A galactic wall just across the southern border of the Milky Way galaxy was recently discovered by astronomers.
Dubbed the South Pole Wall, it consists of thousands of galaxies. Among them were beehives of trillions of stars and dark worlds, according to ABS-CBN News.
The wall winds behind the dust, gas and stars of the Milky Way Galaxy from the Perseus constellation in the northern hemisphere to the Apus constellation in the south.
This, however is invisible to the human eye since it is behind what they call the “zone of avoidance.”
The discovery of the wall was discovered by an astronomers’ team led by Daniel Pomarède of Paris-Saclay University and R. Brent Tully of the University of Hawai in a paper in Astrophysical Journal.
“The surprise for us is that this structure is as big as the Sloan Great Wall and twice as close, and remained unnoticed, being hidden in an obscured sector of the southern sky,”
“The discovery is a wonderful poster child for the power of visualizations in research,”
The said paper was based on measurements of distances of 18,000 galaxies which are as far away as 600 million light-years, which was performed by Tully and his associates.
Based on the report, the astronomers were able to observe the gravitational effects of the galaxies in the wall, albeit unseen, via assembling data from telescopes around the world.
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