Panot – What Exactly Is “Panot?” (Filipino Slang Words)

What Is Panot? (Answers)

PANOT – The word panót often describes somebody who is unattractive. However, there’s a bit of history to this than just an insult.

In English, this word means a “tonsure” or a shaved part of the head. Some religious sectors practice “tonsure”, the act pf shaving some or all of the hair on the scalp. This was also a sign that you were a devout of your religion or a sign of humility.

Panot – What Exactly Is "Panot?" (Filipino Slang Words)

However, in the Philippines, panót does not mean “bald”. When your hair is fully shaved, that means you are “kalbo”. Meanwhile, if you are panót, only a part of your scalp is balding with some hair still left.

Sadly, if you are tagged as panót in the Philippines, you likely have one of the first tell-tell signs of aging. So in summary, being panót, doesn’t necessarily being bald, rather, the state in which you are balding.

In the Philippines, having a panót is usually considered unattractive to many. Meanwhile, the term “panutan” means to shave somebody else’s hair.

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