What Is The Smallest Bacteria In The World? (ANSWER)
SMALLEST BACTERIA IN THE WORLD – In this topic, we are going to know and identify the smallest bacteria in the world and things to know more about it.

Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms that thrive in diverse environments. They can live in soil, the ocean, and even inside the human body.
We humans have a complex relationship with bacteris. There are instances where they lend us a helping hand, and there are times where they cause diseases such as pneumonia, among others.
Today, we are going to know the smallest of them all, but which is it?
The smallest bacteria is none other than Mycoplasma genitalium.
Also known as Mgen, it is a small and pathogenic bacterium which resided on the skin cells of the urinary and genital tracts in humans. This cause negative health effects in men and women and causes the risk of spreading Human Immmunodeficiency Virus or HIV.
The bacteria also causes urethritis in both genders, and cervicitis and pelvic inflammation in women. Urethritis is the inflammation of urethra, while cervicitis is the inflammation of the uterine cervix. Lastly, Pelvic inflammation, or Pelvic inflammatory disease is the infection of the upper part of the female reproductive system,
Mycoplasma is a genus of bacteria which lacks a cell wall around their cell membranes. It came from the two Greek words mykes which means fungus, and plasma, which means formed.
The species name genitalium is possibly derived from the Latin term genitalia, which obviously means the genitals, referring to its residence in the urinary and genital tracts.
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