US Airlines to Ban Passengers Who Refused to Wear Masks

US Airlines to Revoked Passengers Flying Privileges if Refused to Wear Masks

US AIRLINES – Passengers who refused to obey coronavirus health protocol will be ban from boarding and could have flying privileges revoked.

Several flights from major US airlines get back to operations after the month long suspension due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis. However, passengers to board should obey the mandatory safety protocols.

US Airlines
Image Source: Reuters UK

US airlines can halt anyone who failed to wear a mask from boarding and can provide if the passengers have none. Meanwhile, flight attendants have the authority to enforce the policy if the passenger removes their masks while on board.

Based on the report, Alaska Air Lines, American Air Lines, Delta Air Lines, Hawaiian Air Lines, JetBlue Airways, Southwest Air Lines and United Air Lines are the carriers included who implement the new policy, said by Airlines for America.

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It added that the airlines will clearly inform passengers about the polices regarding face coverings before flying, this also followed by an announcement with specific details on board. Each carrier has the appropriate consequences for the passengers who fail to comply with the policy.

US Airlines
Image Source: Forbes

Authorities may put the passengers to the no-fly list if found disobeying and fail to comply. However, some airlines offer certain exemptions for young children and to those who have medical conditions or disabilities. People who are eating or drinking are also exempted.

The measures are expected to remain in place throughout the COVID-19 public health crisis. based on the report of Reuters, some airlines and unions have called for a federal mandate on safety measures including aircraft cleaning, face caps and the number of seats to be sold per flight.

“Now is not the time to have airlines competing with each other when it comes to safety,” the Allied Pilots Association, which represents American Airlines’ pilots, said on Monday.

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