What Is The Scientific Name Of Coconut? (ANSWERS)
SCIENTIFIC NAME OF COCONUT – In this topic, we are going to know and identify the binomial or scientific name of coconut.

The coconut is a plant of the palm tree family Arecaceae. The term can be referred to the coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit.
It is derived from the old Portuguese and Spanish word coco, which means ‘head’ or ‘skull’. It is one of the most useful plants worldwide and is usually known as the tree of life.
The plant provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, which are among its many uses.
The inner flesh and milk from the seed in its mature state forms regular part of the diets of many people in the tropics and subtropics.
It also has a cultural and religious significance in certain societies. In India, this is used in Hindu rituals.
Scientific name
The binomial name of coconut is Cocos nucifera.
Cocos is a genus of palm tree family Arecaceae where coconut is its only species. As mentioned above, it is derived from the old Portuguese and Spanish word coco, which means ‘head’ or ‘skull’.
The species name nucifera is the Latin term for “nut-bearing”.