What Is the Scientific Name Of Tomato? (ANSWERS)
SCIENTIFIC NAME OF TOMATO – In this topic, we are going to know about the scientific name of tomato or known locally as kamatis.

Tomato, also known in the Philippines as kamatis, is a plant with an edible, usually red berry.
It originated in the western parts of South and Central America. It is derived from the Spanish word tomate, which is also derived from the Nahuatl word tomatl, both which means “the swelling plant”.
The berry is a good source of the savory flavor or umami and is consumed in diverse ways, either raw or cooked.
It is also a fruit which is considered a culinary vegetable since it has a much lower sugar content than other culinary fruits.
Scientific Name
The binomial name of onion is Solanum lycopersicum.
Solanun is a genus of flowering plants where the eggplant is classified into. It is derived from the Latin word sol, meaning “sun”, which refers to its status as the sun plant.
The species name lycopersicum is a combination of the Latin terms lyco meaning “wolf” and periscum meaning “peach, forming the word “wolfpeach”.