BRAINTEASERS: If I Am Holding A Bee (Answer)

BRAINTEASERS: If I Am Holding A Bee (Answer)

BRAINTEASERS – In this topic, we are going to know the answer and explanation of another one of those mind-boggling brainteasers.


A brainteaser is a type of puzzle where it is hard to find the answer but amuses people as they try to solve it. The problems seems simple enough but tricks you into answering the wrong question.

This time, let’s solve one of these fun mind-boggling puzzles. Here is the following riddle:

“If I am holding a bee, what do I have in my eye?”


The answer to this riddle is beauty.

Now you wonder why? Here is the explanation.

This is basically a pun on a well-known proverb “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

You are holding a bee, so you are the “bee-holder”. Like a said a pun. So, since you are the bee holder, what is in your eye.

Recallthe proverb again and you will know that the answer is beauty, since “Beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder.”

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