Negros Occidental ECQ To Be Given Adjustments On April 20

Negros Occidental ECQ To Be Given Adjustments On April 20

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL – Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Lacson sayd that there will be adjustments on the ECQ implemented in the province.

Image from: Wikipedia

While the province will still be under enhanced community quarantine until the 30th of April, there will be adjustments to the guidelines, which will take effect starting April 20, according to an article from Panay News.

Among the adjustments Lacson mentioned includes the following:

  • Allowance of operations of trycicles and trisikads
  • Resumption of constructions all over the province
  • Opening of restaurants, auto parts stores, and hardware.

Lacson also said that there will still be the mandatory use of face masks when going outside, and social distancing will still be observed.

The governor added that border checkpoints will still operate. However, public utility vehicles and buses are not allowed to operate.

As per the report, the adjustments were agreed in a meeting on Wednesday morning with the provincial mayors who attended.

Lacson confirmed the arrival of a plane in the province and fetched stranded Canadians. The crew members of the plane are now under mandatory quarantine at Mambukal Resort in Murcia.

There will also be 45 construction workers from the Iloilo province who arrived yesterday and underwent the 14-day mandatory quarantine.

What do you think? How will you react to this? Let us know more about it in the comments below.

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