CERES – The Smallest Dwarf Planet | Planets Of The Solar System
CERES – In this topic, we will now know one of the five different known dwarf planets, the smallest dwarf planet Ceres.

This is the only dwarf planet that is within the inner reaches of the solar system. It is known for being the smallest dwarf planet but the largest object in the asteroid belt, according to Space.
It is also an oblate spheroid, which means it is rounded with a rotational bulge around the equator.
It was approached by Dawn, NASA’s first probe to orbit two bodies in the system. the planet is described as an icy world, in which scientists belive, might have water on its surface.
The surface is dull gray in color and has the presence of a graphitized carbon. Further more, it is as reflective as asphalt, while its spots ranged from dull concrete to bright ice.
It only has one pyramid-shaped mountain with an altitude of about 21K feet or 6.4K meters.
The dwarf planet was named after the Roman goddess of corn and harvests. Furthermore, its features are named after agricultural spirits and gods.
It is theorized that it might have a liquid ocean in the past. Observations show traces that there was an ocean with hints of a muddy mantle.