What Is The Scientific Name Of Paragis? (ANSWER)
SCIENTIFIC NAME OF PARAGIS – In this topic, we are going to know and identify the scientific name of paragis or known as Indian goosegrass.
As mentioned above, it is a plant that is known as “Goosegrass”, “Dog’s tail”, or “wiregrass”. It can be found in areas with hot climates and used as a antihistamine.
It is a highly recommended alternative medicine in the Philippines in which its extracts are said to be effective against ailments such as diabetes and kidney stones.
Other benefits of this grass include Antibacterial, Antileishmanial, and Antioxidant benefits, among others.
Scientific Name
The binomial nomenclature of paragis is none other than Eleusine indica.
Eleusine, the genus, refers to the grass family in Asia, Africa, and South America. It is also a genus of grasses with digitate or rarely scattered spikes consisting of many-flowered spikelets, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary.
The dictionary also says that it is derived from the Greek term Eleusinē or Eleusis, which is a name for the Greek goddess of harvest Demeter.
Indica, the species, on the other hand, is a Greek and Latin term for “of India”, implying that paragis originated from India.
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