A Narrative Essay On The Effects Of The Enhanced Community-Quarantine
NARRATIVE ESSAY ON ENHANCED COMMUNITY-QUARANTINE – In this article, we are going to share perspectives on the enhanced community quarantine in the Philippines.
As the Philippines faced the coronavirus pandemic, several countermeasures were imposed to curve its spread. As such, President Duterte imposed an enhanced community quarantine on Luzon.
However, the spread of the virus brought to light some of the worst traits of the Filipino people. Instead of helping out, people began panic buying. Worse, they tried to profit off of their fellow countrymen by hoarding important supplies such as alcohol and face masks.
Furthermore, the inconsistencies and incompetence of some politicians and public servants were highlighted. Clearly, some were not prepared to handle the spread of the virus.
This caused a debate online regarding what to do amid the pandemic and the quarantine in the Philippines. Many argued that criticizing the government would do no help, however, many would disagree.
Because of the outcries of netizens online, thousands of people have been helped by the government and got aid. Moreover, several politicians have listened to the masses and provided the desperate needs of the people.
But hope still remains. The Filipino people is resilient and brave. In light of this global health crisis, and the community quarantine, the hope is that we would all learn from this.
The majority of the people would want “things to get back to normal”. However, the normal that we had before was a culture of being apologetic on behalf of politicians and normalizing hate.
After this quarantine, when the dust has settled and the world begins to rebuild from their losses, let us look back on the pandemic as a reminder that we should move forward for the better.
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