Quezon City 464 Coronavirus Cases DOH Reports

Department of Health Records 464 Coronavirus Cases In Quezon City

NEW COVID-19 CASES – The Department of Health (DOH) reported 464 coronavirus cases in Quezon City said its local government early Friday morning.

However, these new cases will still be subjected to validation by the Quezon City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit, health center staff, and authorities from barangays. This would be done to verify that the patients were in fact from QC.

According to a report from Inquirer, the local government of QC merely recorded 151 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Additionally, the number of COVID-19 cases with complete addresses in Quezon was at 310, but is still to be verified.

Quezon City 464 Coronavirus Cases DOH Reports
Image from: Straits Times

Although the QC Epidemiology and Surveillance unit had only confirmed 174 coronavirus cases so far. As such, the QC government, on their daily case bulletin stated:

The sudden rise in confirmed cases is due to the database access given by the DOH to the City Health Department

Moreover, the city had also reported six new fatalities due to COVID-19. With this, the death toll due to the virus was raised to 33. Meanwhile, the number of recovered patients in the city was at 14.

As per the report, 18 barangays within the Quezon City had already been placed under an extreme enhanced community quarantine as a countermeasure to further prevent the spread of the deadly virus.

Furthermore, the city had initiated disinfection efforts with a total of 496 locations in 142 barangays being disinfected so far.

Currently, the number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines had increased to 2,633 with around 80% of the cases in Metro Manila. Additionally, the virus was responsible for 107 deaths. However, 51 patients have already recovered from the virus.

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