Spain Bamboozled By China After Buying 640,000 COVID-19 Test-Kits That Don’t Work
SPAIN BUYS 640,000 TEST-KITS – Amid the coronavirus outbreak in Spain, the country seemed to have bought a bad investment from China.
As the number of coronavirus cases spiked in Spain, the government was quick to impose countermeasures against the virus. One of these measures includes mass testings to see the real numbers of infections in the country.
However, as Spain buys a whopping 640,000 COVID-19 test-kits, hospitals were dismayed when they found out that they don’t work. Although technically, the kits do work, the problem was it only does 30% of the time.

As such, an article from Spanish news site Elpais stated that the majority of doctors found the tests “discouraging”. They added that they “do not detect positive cases as expected”.
The “Rapid-Test” kits were manufactured by the Chinese company, Bioeasy. Moreover, the company is based in Shenzhen, one of Asia’s center for technological advancements.
But, with that aside, the kits merely have a sensitivity of 30%. Meanwhile, the standard sensitivity for coronavirus test-kits should always be above 80%. As per the article, one microbiologist stated:
With that value it does not make sense to use these tests.
With the test-kits primarily tagged as useless by medical professionals, the government sought a replacement from the manufacturer. As a result, the government would only purchase kits that are approved for use in Europe.
But, as Spain’s COVID-19 cases rise, the elderly infected with the virus were discriminated against by the masses. As they were being transferred from a home care to a hospital, people protested, threw flammable projectiles, and shouted insults.
Currently, there are 525,807 cases of COVID-19 infections worldwide. Along with this, 23,714 have died due to the virus. Meanwhile, 123,329 have recovered.
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