What Is Fallacy? Meaning And The Following Types
FALLACY – In this topic, we are going to know and learn the meaning of fallacy and identify some of its common types.
By definition, it is a mistaken belief, especially when it is based on unsound argument.
By logic definition. It refers to a failure in reasoning , rendering the argument invalid or a faulty reasoning.
There are some common types of this failed reasoning, according to Hubspot. Here are the following:
- Straw Man
- Occurs when the person over-simplifies and misrepresents your argument to make it easier to attack.
- Bandwagon
- Refers to the justification of the statement by vast majority of population, even though it is not true. Just because many people believe it doesn’t mean it’s not true.
- Appeal to Authority
- This means using an authority figure to back up your proposition. Although it can be a boost to an existing argument, it will not be the pillar your argument rests on.
- False Dilemma
- This misleads by presenting complex issues in terms of two inherently opposed sides. It asserts that there are only to exclusive outcomes instead of looking for a wide variety of possibilities.
- Hasty Generalization
- Occurs when one draw expansive conclusions based on inadequate or not enough evidence.
- Slothful Induction
- It’s the opposite of hasty generalization. Occurs when sufficient logical evidence indicates the validity of a particular conclusion but someone fails to acknowledge it.