What Is Essay? Meaning And Things To Know About This Nonfiction
ESSAY – In this topic, we are going to know and learn a nonfiction called essay, its definition and more stuff to know about it.

An essay is a short nonfiction work which focuses with one subject that is usually addressed in a personal way. Reading this nonfiction allows you to know the thoughts and opinions of the reader and how he or she thought to this subject.
Subjects that the author writes in this work could be anything, may it be a personal experience, a certain person, thoughts on the news, the crisis that we face today and many, many more.
This began in the 1500s. The term was coined by French writer Michael de Montaigne which means “to try” or “attempt” which suits this type since the author attempts to explain his thoughts on the subject.
Purpose of the Author
Essayists usually treat the topic variously. There are times when they decide to relate the topic with a sequence of events. there are also times when they try to describe something, explain an idea or present reasons to support an opinion.
The theme on this nonfiction is the message the author tries to share. It can be obviously stated or suggested.
The writer arranges the details in a logical order rather than order them chronologically. One detail will lead to the next in a manner that it makes total sense.