What Is A Platypus? Things To Know About The Mammal
PLATYPUS – In this topic, we are going to know and learn things about the platypus or also known as the duck-billed platypus.

This mammal is an aquatic creature that has the bill of a duck, the tail of a beaver, and feet like otters.
It is an oviparous (egg-laying) mammal which is native to Australia. The male of its species is said to be the one of the world’s venomous mammals.
The platypus are equipped with sharp stingers on the heels of its hind feet which are used by the male to give a strong toxic blow to any approaching foe.
Its name came from the Greek term platupous (πλατύπους ) which means “flat-footed”. The Greek term is derived from platus (λατύς) or “broad, wide, flat” and pous (πούς ) or “foot”.
Its binomial name is Ornithorhynchus anatinus which was given by English botanist and zoologist George Shaw. The name is from the Greek word ornithorhynkhos (ορνιθόρυγχος) or “bird-snout” and the Latin word anatinus or “anatinus”.
It usually lives in freshwater rivers, wetlands, and billabongs (oxbow lakes) in Australia yet there are those who explore in slightly-salty estuaries.
More Stuff To Know
The aquatic creature is a bottom-feeder which uses its tail to steer and its webbed feet to propel through the water while it hunts for creatures like insects, shellfish, and worms.
The nostrils on its bill remains sealed in order for the platypus to remain submerged for two minutes as it searches for food.