Cute Kitten Shreds Owner’s Earphone, Gives Snake As Apology Gift
KITTEN SHREDS OWNER’S EARPHONE – We all know how playful kittens can be! As natural predators, they need to be active to stimulate their primal desires.
But, that doesn’t mean they don’t look cute while being mischievous. However, if you don’t take care of your important items, they might end up being your kitten’s play toy.
Just like Haryanto Pherwirra Ramadhani’s 8-month-old cat who apparently likes to destroy things more than he likes to play with them.
According to Haryanto, he once left his earphones on his bed and the curious cat naturally wanted to take a look. After a few minutes of biting and scratching them, it broke.
When Haryanto saw what happened to his earphones, he understandably got angry and scolded the kitty. Afterward, the little cat ran away as fast as he could.
But, to his surprise, his kitten came back with an apology gift, a peace offering if you would say. It was similar to earphones, but not quite the same.
His kitten caught a snake and offered it as a gift to Haryanto as a replacement for the cable he had shredded. The little cat thought that his human would be happy to see his earphones be replaced with a snake.
According to an article from LovePaws, Haryanto immediately felt bad for scolding his little furball. He said snakes were rare in his neighborhood, so the cat must have put extra effort into finding earphone replacements.
If this isn’t the most wholesome story ever, I don’t know what is! This just goes to show how animals could also be empathetic and understanding and how we could all learn from Haryanto’s little cat.
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