Two Makati Police Relieved After Alleged Profiling of Transgender Women

Two Makati Police Relieved for Profiling of Transgender Women

Makati, Metro Manila- Two police officers were relieved from their posts following the alleged random profiling of transgender women.

Two Makati Police
Image captured from the video

According to the report of GMA News, the two police officers were identified as Patrolman Timmy Paez and Police Corporal Juliet Atal. They are said to be under the gender awareness and development program.

The relocation of the two was followed by Anne Pelos’s complaint that Paez and Atal were forced to come over to the precinct for alleged profiling of transgenders under “Oplan X-Men.” Pelos shared the video of the incident on social media.

According to the victim, she just came from work when two police officers called her out and asked her to come with them for profiling.

Pupunta lang tayo sa may HQ para profiling lang naman ‘yan. Iimbitahan lang namin kayo, Ma’am. Profiling lang ‘yan,” Paez said in the viral video.

According to the Facebook post of Scads Makati, which is now open, Oplan X-Men aims to rescue transgenders from exile. But the Makati City Police Station noted that there was no so-called “Oplan X-Men” which allegedly aims to save transgender women from sexual exploitation based on a Facebook post by Scads Makati.

Two Makati Police
Image captured from the video

Makati City Police Chief Police Colonel Rogelio Simon on Monday personally apologized to Pelos over the incident. Simon said the two cops in the video have already been relieved.

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