Summary Of The Gorgon’s Head – The Tale Of Perseus
SUMMARY OF THE GORGON’S HEAD – In this topic, we are going to read the full summary of The Gorgon’s Head, a.k.a the tale of Perseus.

It is a tale from the Greek Mythology which narrates the story of Perseus, who was prophesized to kill his grandfather and is known for slaying the Gorgon Medusa.
Here is the summary of the story uplifted from jenijoycegarciarollo on Brainly:
There was a king named Acrisius who received a prophecy where he will be killed by his grandson, thus, prompting him to imprison her beautiful daughter, Danae. She was kept away from the people but not the gods since the king of Olympus Zeus fell in love with her and bore a son named Perseus.
Knowing the birth of his grandson, King Acrisius locked Danae and Perseus inside a chest and set it to sail on sea. she was found by a fisherman whose brother fell in love with Danae and married her. The now-husband did not like Perseus so he ordered him to kill the Gorgon Medusa.
Perseus, guided by the gods. battled with the gorgon. During the battle, he encountered a beautiful maiden chained near the sea and save her from the monster.
He asked her for her hand in marriage but everyone disagreed, including the maiden’s promised husband. A fight ensued and Perseus easily won by using the Gorgon’s head.
He came back to see his stepfather who did not believe that Perseus killed Medusa. He turned his stepfather into a statue.
After this, the prophecy was fulfilled when he returned to his grandfather’s homeland and accidentally killed him in a throwing contest.
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Thanks for writing the summary of the story! It is now easier to understand the full story!