Pets Thrown Out Apartments By Owners In Fear Of Wuhan Virus
PETS THROWN OUT APARTMENTS – Adding to the fears and panic caused by the Wuhan virus, an unconfirmed report that pets could transmit the deadly disease left pets dead on the streets.
According to an article by The Sun, pet owners have begun to throw their pets from their apartment windows in fear that they might get the deadly virus.
A dog was found dead on the streets after allegedly being thrown from an apartment in Tianjin City in the Hubei province. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, cats were thrown to their deaths.

Locals said the cats were pets due to their smooth and clear fur. In addition, according to local media, a pooch was thrown from the upper floors of a tower block around 4:00 a.m.
The poor dog smashed into the roof of a car before ending up on the concrete. As per the report, locals were woken up as the dog hit the car as it sounded like a tire explosion.

The incidents were sparked following Dr. Li Lanjuan’s statement on a Chinese State TV that said if pets come into contact with suspected patients, they should be quarantined.

However, a local media outlet tweaked the Doctor’s words and stated that cats and dogs could spread the deadly Wuhan Virus.
The rumor spread like wildfire throughout social media platforms from China like Weibo. Luckily, China Global Television Network posted a quote from the World Health Organization to end the rumors.
There is no evidence showing that pets such as cats and dogs can contract the novel coronavirus, the World Health Organisation said on Wednesday
Following this, PETA Asia stated that they hope the police could find the cold-blooded owners of the poor animals as soon as possible.
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