Batangas Governor Ignites Positivity Despite Taal Uncertainty

Batangas Governor Ignites Positivity Despite Taal Uncertainty

BATANGAS – Batangas governor Hermilando Mandanas aimed to spread positivity among people affected by the eruption of Taal Volcano.

Children try to enjoy their stay at the Batangas provincial gym on January 21, 2020 | Image from: ABS-CBN News

Manandas, who faced the responsibility of addressing the needs of about a million displaced residents following the eruption of Taal Volcano, he trumpeted the brave spirit of Filipinos.

“so that we will be able to lift up the spirit of the evacuees . . . and, we hope, with the others also, that we would be able to inspire and motivate all those who are assisting.”

“It’s very important that everybody should have this strong and really fervent hope that we will not only be able to recover, but we will be stronger after this particular incident,”

“We have to really make our people believe that there is hope, that there is help.”

According to ABS-CBN, the huge displacement of people stemmed from the imposition by officials of a total evacuation of areas within 14-kilometer radius from the crater of the country’s second-most active volcano.

Aside from potentially being affected directly if a dreaded hazardous explosion happen, the areas bordering the volcano islan have been heavily covered with expelled volcanic ash and developed cracks due to fissures and the related volcanic tremors.

Mandanas further said that among the displaced, 200,000 are staying in identified evacuation centers while others are in houses of people they know.

Despite the government’s accommodation, it is extending relief goods and other forms of assistance to them, adding that even those accommodating the displaced also need help.

As per the report, Manandas said that thanks to the funds from the province; the assistance from the central and other local governments; and even from non-government organizations, corporations, foreign entities and private individuals, the government is able to sustain the needs of the affected residents.

“That’s why we can still sustain it,”

“Right now, we could safely say that everything is under control.”

“But how long? We don’t know. Even Phivolcs (Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology) doesn’t know. Nobody knows. Even our president admits that only God knows.”

“It is true that we do not know up to when this situation that we are having right now will continue. We do not even know whether it will be aggravated, or mitigated by the developments right now,” 

“These are the concerns that we are facing right now.”

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