Animal Rescue In Taal Can’t Be Prioritized By Gov’t

Gov’t Can’t Prioritize Animal Rescue In Taal Volcano Island

ANIMAL RESCUE IN TAAL – As Taal Volcano continued its unrest, residents flee nearby towns residing in the danger zones. However, several animals were left behind.

Animal Rescue In Taal Can't Be Prioritized By Gov't
Image from: Interaksyon

Various animal rights groups have been adamantly vocal about saving the animals trapped in Taal Volcano island. However, according to a military official, this may make take a long time.

Brig. Gen. Marceliano Teofilo, the commander of the Joint Task Force (JTF) Taal said that due to Taal Volcano’s unpredictable state, they must take caution. He added that getting large barges to access the lake was also difficult.

According to an article from Inquirer, Teofilo said that the military had to settle with smaller boats to transports the trapped animals from “Pulo”.

However, Teofilo wanted to assure the public that authorities are continuously conducting rescue missions. But, the progress of it would depend on the state of the volcano.

The Brig. Gen. also added that on Thursday morning, JTF Taal conducted an aerial reconnaissance mission. There, they had visual confirmation that about a hundred farm animals were still on the island.

As per the report, most of the animals that were left were horses, cattle, and carabaos. There have also been several videos circulating online that show their rescue efforts.

The Task Force has been swamped with calls from animal rights advocates and concerned citizens to rescue the animals. Meanwhile, Taal Volcano was still under alert level 4.

But, Teofilo emphasized that as much as they want to help the animals, the risks faced by government personnel have slowed down rescue efforts.

Agencies like the Maritime Group of the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Coast Guard’s rescue attempts have been hindered due to Taal Volcano’s unrest.

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