Dog Wearing Helmet While Riding on His Owner Motorcycle Goes Viral

Video of Dog Wearing Helmet While Riding on His Owner Motorcycle

Video of a dog wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle with his owner went viral on social media and earned various reactions.

Dog Wearing Helmet
Image captured from the video

Wearing helmet is the most important thing to do to us people while riding a motorcycle. This is to protect your head from collision or any serious damages if accidents may ever happen.

But wearing helmets are not just for human’s safety only, this can be also worn by our pets or animals. Just like this viral dog who is wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle.

We have been fascinated many times with stories about pet dogs shared by social media netizens. Sometimes there is a dog asking for food at a diner in a cafe, and a dog pushing his boss’s wheelchair.

Dog Wearing Helmet
Image captured from the video

In Twitter, a dog that seemed to obey traffic law and wanted to ride safe. A video of a netizen captures a dog quietly caressing his boss on a motorcycle while wearing a helmet.

Pramod Madhav shared on his Twitter account the video of a dog holding to his boss while riding a motorcycle. Aside from the dog’s good grip on his boss’s shoulder, it is noteworthy that he also wore a helmet that looked like a real person.

The video was not taken in the Philippines, it was taken from Tamil Nadu, one of the states in India. However, the video of the dog and his boss is also popular among Filipinos and netizens from all over the world.

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