Philippine Air Force Reservist with Disability Earned Praise Online

Person With Disability Serving Filipinos for 15 years as Philippine Air Force Reservist

A person with a disability who became a Philippine Air Force Reservist and serving the Filipino people for almost 15 years.

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While everyone is talking about Gerald Anderson and Matteo Guidicell getting military training to become reservists in the Army, one of our fellowmen has been quiet and long-serving the country despite a disability.

Sergeant Lino Apante a Philippine Air Force Reservist and has been serving the country through PAF for over 15 years. Apante recently went viral after it was revealed that he conquered many obstacles and proved his detractors wrong, despite looking like he can’t even last and hour in the military.

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Rafuson told News5 that his friend comes from a broken family. His single mom raised him, but he is now returning the favor as he takes care of her because she’s sick.

Philippine Air Force
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Another friend, Alexis Pedro Ramirez, recalled that Apante had always wanted to serve in the army, particularly with the air force. But PAF is no place for a hunchback man like him, a lot of bullies told him so. They laughed at his appearance, yet he proved them all wrong.

Silently, without even going after these people who looked down on him, Apante became a PAF reservist and has been a casual employee of the air force for over 15 years.

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His dedication and kindness earned him a lot of friends – and netizens offer him a snappy salute after learning about what he’s done for the country. He might have a hunchback, but this did not stop him from serving the country and offering volunteer services in various events and advocacies.

Now, News5 Facebook page, recalled his inspiring stories as their year ender special hashtags you become a trend in the 2019 Facebook stories. With a caption of “Sergeant Lino Apante, isa ka sa aming everyday heroes!”.

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