What Are The Physical And Chemical Properties Of Metal?

What Are The Physical And Chemical Properties Of Metal?

PROPERTIES OF METAL – In this topic, we will now know and identify the physical and chemical properties of metal.

Image from: MetalMiner

Metals can be used as aluminium fascia

According to ThoughtCo, most elements are metals. They are categorized into 5, as per the periodic table of elements:

  • Alkali metals
    • The first group, thus, the first column of the table. These elements are shiny and soft enough for you to use a knife to cut. Alkali metals are also extremely reactive and will burst into flame or even explode on contact with water. Hydrogen, the first element, was added in the group despite being a nonmetal.
  • Alkaline earth metals
    • The second group. These have two electrons in its outermost energy level, thus, making them rare to be found alone in nature.
  • Transition metals
    • These elements are described as hard but malleable, shiny, and possessing good conductivity.
  • Lanthanides
    • The third group in which, it was too long to fit inside the table, so it was broken out and flipped sideways to form the top of what we call the inner transition metals. These elements have a silvery white color and tarnish on contact with air.
  • Actinides
    • The bottom half of the inner transition metals and the fourth group. They are all radioactive.

Here are the following properties, according to the website:

  • Physical Properties
    • Lustrous or shine
    • Good conductors of heat and electricity
    • High melting point
    • High density or heavy for their size
    • Malleable or can be hammered into different forms
    • Ductile or can be drawn into wires
    • Usually solid at room temperature, except Mercury
    • Opaque as a thin sheet
    • Sonorous or making a bell-like sound when struck
  • Chemical Properties
    • Have 1-3 electrons in the outer shell of each metal atom and lose electrons readily
    • Corrode easily
    • Lose electrons easily
    • Form oxides that are basic
    • Fave lower electronegativities
    • Are good reducing agents

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