ECZEMA: Symptoms, Causes, and Home Remedies

Here are the symptoms, causes, treatment, and home remedies for eczema

ECZEMA – This is a condition when the skin patches become red, inflamed, itchy, cracked, and rough, and sometime, blisters are formed.

Based on the article from Medical News Today, the most common type of this skin condition is atopic dermatitis. In some cases, people outgrow this, however, some continue to have this until they become adult. This is incurable but it’s not contagious.

Photo courtesy of Premier Health

Certain foods can trigger the symptoms of this condition, however, the symptoms may vary depending on age. Another triggering factor to this is the environment.


Infants under 2 years old:

  • Rashes commonly appear on the scalp and cheeks and they usually bubble up before leaking fluid.
  • Rashes can cause extreme itchiness. This may interfere with sleeping. Continuous rubbing and scratching can lead to skin infections.

2 years old until puberty:

  • Rashes commonly appear behind the creases of elbows or knees.
  • They are also common on the neck, wrists, ankles, and the crease between buttock and legs.


  • Rashes commonly appear in creases of the elbows or knees or the nape of the neck. In some cases, these can cover much of the body.
  • Rashes can be especially prominent on the neck, face, and around the eyes and can cause very dry skin. The patient may also experience the itch permanently and rashes can be more scaly in adults than those occurring in children. These can lead to skin infections.

These following symptoms can occur over time:

  • Rashes can become bumpy, can lighten or darken in color.
  • Rashes can thicken in a process known as lichenification. The rashes can then develop knots and a permanent itch.


  • Irritants (soaps, detergents, shampoos, disinfectants, juices from fresh fruits, meats, or vegetables)
  • Allergens (dust mites, pets, pollens, mold, and dandruff)
  • Microbes (bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, viruses, and certain fungi)
  • Hot and cold temperatures (very hot or cold weather, high and low humidity, and perspiration from exercise)
  • Foods (dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds, soy products, and wheat)
  • Stress (can make symptoms worse)
  • Hormones (in women when their hormone levels are changing, for example during pregnancy and at certain points in the menstrual cycle)


Here are the following things that can be done in order to alleviate the symptoms of eczema, based on the article.

  • taking lukewarm baths
  • applying moisturizer within 3 minutes of bathing to “lock in” moisture
  • moisturizing every day
  • wearing cotton and soft fabrics
  • avoiding rough, scratchy fibers and tight-fitting clothing
  • using a mild soap or a non-soap cleanser when washing
  • air drying or gently patting skin dry with a towel, rather than rubbing the skin dry after bathing
  • avoiding rapid changes in temperature and activities that make you sweat, as much as possible
  • learning and avoiding individual eczema triggers
  • using a humidifier in dry or cold weather
  • keeping fingernails short to prevent scratching from breaking the skin

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