Elderly Man Died After He Was Hit by Brick in the Head Amid Riot in Hong Kong
Video footage of an elderly man who died after he got hit by a brick in the head by an unknown person amid the riot in Hong Kong street.
A viral video was recently uploaded of News 5 Youtube channel, where two groups were having a riot and throwing bricks on each other. it can be seen that the two groups, the anti and pro-government forces having intense commotion on the street.
Amid the riot happening in the Hong Kong streets you will notice an elderly man standing near to the protester. Later on, an unknown person throw’s a brick inline with him and hardly hits his head.
The elderly man suddenly fell down and never get up after he was hit. The 70-years-old man that got hit was allegedly a street sweeper and the breadwinner of their family.
According to the video, it is still unclear who throws the brick in him. watch the full video of the incident.
Here’s the full video uploaded by News 5 Youtube channel on November 15, 2019, Friday
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