What Are The Following Examples Of Modern Dance?

What Are The Following Examples Of Modern Dance?

EXAMPLES OF MODERN DANCE – In this topic, we will now take a look at some of the following examples of modern dance.

Image from: The Guardian

These were emerged in the 20th century in the United States and Germany. It is akin to ballet but it is more focused on different types of performance, unlike classical ones.

Here are some examples of modern dances:

  • Ballet
    • In the aspect of modern dances, it is characterized by floor work; turn-in of the legs; greater range of movement and body line; and pointe shoes but also bare feet.
  • Burlesque
    • A literary, dramatic, or musical work which aims to create laughter by caricaturing the behavior of serious works or via absurd treatments of such subjects.
  • Ballroom Dance
    • A duet dance, this refers to any type of partner dancing as recreation. It is enjoyed both socially and competitively globally
  • Belly Dancing
    • Also known as Arabic dance or Raqs sharqi, it is a dance originating from Egypt and emphasizes on the complex movements on the torso.
  • Jazz
    • A performance dance style and technique which emerged along with jazz music. This can be refered to as vernacular jazz or to Broadway or theatrical jazz.

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