Red Tide Alert Warning Raised By BFAR in 8 Towns In Bataan
RED TIDE ALERT – The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) had announced a red-tide alert in eight towns of Bataan.
Because of the alert, BFAR authorities warned the Bataan residents to not eat shellfish. These include tahong, alamang, and others.

The alert level was raised after red tide toxins were found in the waters of eight towns near the coast. Adding to this, one City in the province was also positive for red tide toxins.
Based on a report from Inquirer, the included towns are:
- Orani
- Hermosa
- Mariveles
- Limay
- Orian
- Pilar
- Samal
- Abucay
As per the report, Wilfredo Cruz, BFAR Central Luzon director stated that the transportation of shellfish in the mentioned areas is strictly prohibited.
With this, BFAR said that it would continuously monitor the red tide toxins that affect shellfish in the area.
Red tide is a phenomenon caused by algal blooms. The algae population becomes so massive that they discolor coastal waters, thus the name red tide.
These blooms also cause oxygen to be depleted as the algae steals it away. Adding to this, they also release toxins that could cause illness to humans and other animals.
The toxins that the red tide algae create are very potent. They produce natural toxins, however, researchers have yet to discover why they are created in the first place.
If the algae become so massive, then it could create a dead zone. This is caused by the algae completely depleting the water of dissolved oxygen.
Aside from eating the toxins brought about by the algae, Fish could also die from the lack of oxygen. Often times, they could leave the water surface filled with floating dead fish.
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