Man Breaks In Office, Eats Chocolates & Falls Into Food Coma

Man Breaks In Financial Office, Eats Chocolate & Takes Nap

FOOD COMA – A 44-year old man was arrested after he breaks in a financial office in Seattle, ate hundreds of dollars worth of chocolates and took a nap.

Man Breaks In Office, Eats Chocolates & Falls Into Food Coma
Image from: Getty Images

The incident happened before 7 p.m. according to reports. The suspect was reportedly pulling on doors until he got inside the office.

There was also an employee still inside the office during the break-in. This employee hid from the suspect as he entered the room.

The witness said that he saw the suspect re-arranging a painting from the room. Afterward, he was seen going towards a bowl filled with chocolates.

The suspect began eating the entire contents of the bowl. The estimated worth of the chocolates he devoured was about $200 (P10,000).

However, after he ate the chocolate, something happened to the suspect. He seemingly got tired and rested on the couch inside the office.

According to the reports, when building security and authorities arrived on the scene, they were shocked by their discovery. There, they saw the suspect sleeping.

Man Breaks In Office, Eats Chocolates & Falls Into Food Coma
Image from: Fox News

He had already removed his watch, shoes, and jacket as he was lying down in the dark on the couch. As the suspect noticed the police he yelled: “you will have to kill me to take me to jail

However, police were able to apprehend the suspect without any altercations. The man was then charged for Burglary and Investigations of Malicious Mischief.

It seemed like the burglar was too comfy to even put up a fight after his dramatic declaration. Fortunately, nobody was hurt during the incident.

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