How Do You Write A Strong Position Paper? (Answers)
POSITION PAPER – In this article, we will learn about how to create a strong position paper.
For those of you that don’t know, a position paper is a type of academic argument writing assignment. It is typically made after reading or discussing a particular issue.
Oftentimes, the reading covers a whole spectrum of issues. That’s why you as a writer must focus on a particular area that catches your attention.
The goal of the position paper is to state and defend your position on a particular issue. Aside from this, you need to show how your stance relates to other positions.
When writing these types of papers, simply follow these easy guidelines according to studygs.
- Organize and outline your viewpoint on an issue
- Formally inform others of your position
as a foundation to build resolution to difficult problems - Present a unique, though biased, solution
or a unique approach to solving a problem - Frame the discussion in order to define the “playing field.”
This can put you in an advantageous position with those who may not be so well prepared as regards the issues behind their positions - Establish your credibility
Here you are demonstrating that you have a command of the issues and the research behind them and can present them clearly
You would also need to adhere to a specific standard or format depending on the requirements given to you as a writer.
Some of the basic formats that are often used are as follows:
- Format should be consistent with guidelines determined by the sponsoring organization or committee
- Include topic, date, purpose, etc., and should readily identify you as the author
- If the paper represents a group, organization, committee, do not write in the first person (not I, my, mine, etc. but rather we, our, etc.)
- Limit yourself to two pages following the format established by previous successful position papers
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