A Dog With A Human Face Becomes Viral Hit Online
A DOG WITH A HUMAN FACE – Neri, a 1-year-old Australian shepherd-poodle mix has become the latest internet sensation for having a humanlike face.

As you can see in the photo above, Nori has an uncanny resemblance to a human face. His eyes make him look very wise or soulful some would say.
His features include big, almond-shaped eyes, an intense gaze and pink lips you would surely want to kiss. Nori’s lips curve slightly upward as if he were smiling.
Her mom, Tiffany Ngo, said that what makes him look human is his coloring, especially his eyes. She even told reporters that he makes a disgusted face when he smells nail polish.
Tiffany told The Dodo that she and her boyfriend got Nori last year. They said that they just fell in love with his sweet nature and unique features.

According to the couple, Nori was even more human-like when he was little. They attributed it to his fur being darker, which contrasted his light eyes.
“It was funny when people would literally stop us from across the street so they could come over and meet Nori when he was a puppy“, said Nori. She added that he was a walking ball of fluff with a happy little face.

As he got older, his looks were slightly changed. However, you could still see a dog with a human face.
Here’s a picture of him sitting next to Boba, a Shih Tzu Mix.

Despite his humanlike appearance, Nori is still just a normal dog, said Tiffany. “He loves everyone he meets and is always really playful“, she added.
Another thing nori adores is playing in the mud. But, he also loves taking dips in the pool, said Tiffany.

Tiffany runs an Instagram account for both Nori and Boba. She adds that she is happy that her dogs bring so much joy to a lot of people.
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