A Simple Trick To Help You Sleep In Under 60 Seconds
SLEEP – It is one of the most important things the human body needs. It allows us to rest and regain the much needed energy for the day ahead.
However, for some of us, falling asleep is not that easy. Here is a simple trick to help with that!
According to Reader’s Digest, there is an all natural remedy called the 4-7-8 method. Here’s how you do it.
First, you need to get into a comfortable position in your bed. Then, inhale through your nose for seconds.
Afterwards, you need to hold your breath for seven seconds. Finally, exhale slowly and gently through your mouth for eight more seconds. You just need to repeat this until you fall asleep. That’s all you need to do!
Sounds too good to be true right? But, this technique actually goes back centuries ago, from an Indian yoga meditation practice.
According to an article from Reader’s Digest, the yogis used this technique to achieve a state of complete relaxation. This also negates stress and anxiety.
This method of breathing forces the rhythm of your heart to slow down. This leads to the body relaxing.
In other words, it’s a natural sedative for both your mind and body. This method was proven by medical practitioners as well.
Harvard-educated medical doctor Andrew Weil even tried out this method. He then had incredible results.
In one of his lectures, he stated that it’s the single best method he found to get back to sleep. He then added that the theory is all about the rhythm of your breath with the voluntary system.
These rhythms are induced into our involuntary nervous system, he added. However, this comes with time, Weil said.
He then said that it’s the consistency of doing this over a period of weeks, months or years that yields the results you want.
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