Answers To The Question: What Are The Differences Between Karma & Samsara?
KARMA & SAMSARA – In this article we will learn the differences between Karma and Samsara as well as how they are related.
Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism is the result of a person’s actions as well as the action in itself. The idea of Karma in itself is more spiritual rather than physical.

Individuals carry karma with them throughout a given lifetime. It is also defined that the intent of one’s actions generates karma.
Based on an article by the huffpost, Karma is not what we think of as good or bad fortune. It is rather the casual responsibility of those results.
Samsara on the other hand, is the cycle of reincarnation, existence, and death. In Hinduism the idea of samsara is the belief that life is based on illusion or maya.
These illusions allows an individual to think that they are a being of free will. Believing in the illusion of separateness that persists through samsara drives one to act in ways that generate Karma.

Because of this the cycle of action and rebirth continues. If an individual has fully grasped the oneness of all things, he/she has the potential to break samsara and achieve moksha.
According to an article by Berkley Center, moksha acts as the motivation for Hindu religious practice. Whereas samsara is the negative motivation.
Samsara is undesirable due to its unpredictable nature. People are oblivious as to how the actions of their karma in their current life will affect their future.
In the Hindu religion, your past lives would affect your reincarnation and the suffering that might go with it due to previous actions.
So to summarize, karmas are a result of a persons actions in their current life. However, samsara is the reincarnation of a person based on their karma.
Until an individual eradicates Karmas from their soul, that person will continue to be reincarnated through samsara. When Karma is completely removed, that is when is samsara would end.
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