Painting of Virgin Mary Cradling Giant Male Appendage Sparks Outrage
PAINTING – The ‘vulgar’ painting of Virgin Mary cradling a giant male appendage displayed at a museum has sparked outrage.
The Philippines is the 3rd-largest Catholic population in the world. The devotees never fail to prepare or participate in any church celebrations. Some of them even worship statues.
Catholic devotees are also very protective of the attacks of some politicians or other religion. Some of them adore and worship the images or statues of Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary.

Based on a report from Ladbible, there was a controversial artwork of Virgin Mary cradling a massive male organ at an exhibition in Australia. Meanwhile, the Christian groups are fuming over the painting.
We are told by our elders not to mock other religions, Jesus, or other characters because there are millions of people who adored and praised them. But there is one artist who decided to create obscene artwork.

According to the report, lots of people request for the museum at Queensland University to take down the painting of Juan Davila. It’s not hard to understand why this became an issue for some.
A member of the Australian Christian Lobby Group, Wendy Francis with the director of Queensland said: “I don’t think it’s only humiliating to Mary, it’s humiliating to all women.”
“This is arguably the most famous woman in history. It’s not just religious women who would find this offensive,” she added.

Based on the report, the state government also called the artwork “vulgar” and “in poor taste.” However, the controversial painting is going to stay said the director of Griffith University Angela Goddard.
“The role of art is to challenge and push boundaries with the freedom of artistic expression central to that mission,” she said.
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