SKIMMING AND SCANNING – Two Speed Reading Techniques

SKIMMING AND SCANNING – Two Speed Reading Techniques

SKIMMING AND SCANNING – In this topic, we will now discuss the following two techniques which uses rapid eye movement: skimming and scanning.

These two speed reading techniques involves rapid eye movement and reading quickly from one text to the other. While they are similar in terms of category, they are both different in definition, uses, and purposes.

Now, let us take a look at the definition of skimming.


Skimming is the rapid reading to get the general information of the topic. To put it simply, you are looking for the nutshell, the whole point of the topic.

Use and Purposes

Skimming is used in previewing, which means an advance reading of the topic before actually reading it; reviewing, which is basically reading the topic again but faster, looking for the main idea of the topic; or trying to find a source material in an article.

Skimming is used to save time and to preview the overview of the article. The only disadvantages of skimming is that there is the tendency to overlook some of the important parts of the topic or the deeper meaning of the topic.

So again, when you want to grab the nutshell of the topic or have a quick review before the test, use skimmin.


While skimming is basically the viewing from a bird’s perspective, scanning is the swooping down to look for detailed facts on the topic. Scanning involves digging through buried facts and important stuff that can be overlooked by skimming

Uses and Purposes

Scanning is best used in research purposes or when you try to find the answer to a question as quick as you can due to its nature to scoop out deeper important facts. It is a technique that requires concentration so to use this technique, your attention must not wander in other unrelated stuff.

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