Calisthenics Exercises That Are Easy And Effective (Health And Fitness)

Here Are Some Exercises That Are Effective And Easy To Perform

CALISTHENICS EXERCISES – These type of exercises can be done anywhere without any equipment required for weighted resistance.

Photo taken from Care2

There is nothing better than exercises that you can do anywhere. At home, in the office, at the park, and basically anywhere you can find a leverage. You don’t need to pay for a gym membership and attend regular sessions daily.

HILARIOUS! Check out this Chinese man’s calisthenics routine at home.

Some people don’t have the time to go to the gym. And some people don’t like the fact of paying for monthly gym memberships.

Buying your own gym equipment to be used at home can also be costly.

Luckily, there are calisthenics exercises. These exercises can provide adequate results for people wanting to be fit.

A good calisthenics routine is usually done with a couple of stretching exercises.

Here are some good exercises you can try right away:


(Strength and Cardio)

  • Starting from a standing position, keep you shoulders back and your abdominal muscles tight.
  • Bend to get into a squat position and place your hands on the floor right in front of your feet.
  • Jump and reach. then get your body to a plank position.
  • Get back to your precious position and repeat the pattern.


(Strength and Cardio)

  • Starting from a standing position, with your feet closed and arms tuck to your side.
  • Breathe in and jump.
  • Spread your legs wide and raise both of your arms simultaneously.
  • Jump again, but this time, go back to you previous position.
  • Repeat the pattern.


(Abs, Glutes, Thighs)

  • Starting from a standing position, lunge forward with your right foot and bend, bringing your knees low.
  • Observe that you thigh must be parallel to the floor.
  • Bring your body back to the original position by using your left heel.
  • Now do place the right leg backwards and do the lunge lowering it down.
  • Repeat the same pattern with both legs.


(Core, Shoulder Muscles, Arms and Chest)

  • Start from a push-up position on your hands keeping your abdominal muscles flexed and your back straight.
  • Lift one of your legs of the ground.
  • Now do a regular push-up by lowering yourself and bending your elbows.
  • Do the push-ups without lowering the leg.

These are some of the great exercises we found on an article from StyleCraze.

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