Updates On Trending Topics On Twitter
TWITTER TRENDING – The popular hashtag #RulesThatNeedGentleReminding is currently on the list of Twitter’s trending pages.

There has been several trending contents on Twitter. Many hashtags in the past has gone viral on Twitter, from hashtags that pose challenges, gets insights or just a medium that allows you to share to an audience with a common ground.
The recent viral challenge on twitter was the #BottleCapChallenge, where participants are expected to kick off a bottle cap with a precise kick.
Meanwhile, earlier this morning, a new #hashtag rose to the trending list. The #RulesThatNeedGentleReminding features previously set widely accepted rules that most people seem to have forgotten.
There has been several insights that came with the hashtag.
“Never be late. Respect someone’s time and effort just to meet you on time.” – Twitter user @grazld
“During sleepovers, always fix the bed the next morning. Its to show gratitude to the host.” – Twitter user @_thetalkinglens
One user mentioned the classic rule in most public canteens:
“CLAYGO. Clean as you go, that’s basic.” – Twitter user @katiwinnn
MONSTER RX93.1 started off with the topic after another twitter user @nic_cool suggested it to them on their official page.
They also shared some #RulesThatNeedGentleReminding from their side:
“It’s your responsibility to keep your kids’ behavior in check in public places.”– Twitter user @RX931
“No talk of politics, religion and exes during a first date.” – Twitter user @RX931
Basically, these are old rules that people often neglect these days. The hashtag did not only top the trending page but also raised the level of awareness for people to follow these simple rules.
The hashtag topped the trending page for quite sometime and until other hot topics took over the list.
That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.