Mind Bending Films: Movies That Will Leave You Thinking

Here’s A List Of Movies That Would Surely Leave You Thinking

MIND BENDING – Films, in different genres, often leave us with a certain emotion, but these films, would surely leave you with so much questions.

mind bending
Photo taken from Mother Nature Network

Movies, in different genres, set a certain mood for the people watching. For instance, romantic movies leave viewers feeling in love, sad movies leave veiwers crying and the list goes on. But some of them, just leave the viewers with unanswered questions.

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There were several movies in the past, that fit this exact description. A bunch of movies that are so mysterious, it just leaves you thinking.

These movies are truly very well thought-out.


This film follows a story of two federal agents tasked to investigate the case of a missing report on the island. The island, was actually an asylum for the insane. The story line also follows a complex plot and it features a twist at the end that would surely surprise you. It’s the kind of movie you would want to watch again to fully grasp.


This is a clever film that revolves around a simple yet very interesting premise: the persona in the film started hearing narrations of his own life. The narration also started predicting his death. The character then started avoiding the path chosen for him by the narrator. Will Ferell stars in this comedy film that will surely leave you thinking about your own path in life.


The film follows the story of a playwright (played by John Turturro). In the story, he was sent to Hollywood to write his first-ever screenplay. He then met a mysterious neighbor at a hotel and things started to become more complicated and later on left Fink and the viewers questioning their existence. This film features clips that would last in your head for days.


This film does not follow a linear timeline, further confusing the viewers and often making them question which timeline are they watching. This is about a man who happened to have stumbled into an unintentional mean of time travel. This movie would require your full attention and critical analysis as you would surely miss important details if you don’t pay attention.

These are just some of the movies from the list posted by Screen Rant.

What movies do you find interesting? Share it with us!

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