How To: Help Save The Climate (What Can I Do About The Climate?)

Here’s A List Of Things We Could Do To Help Save The Climate

HOW TO – The crisis of the climate change poses imminent danger to human survival, and there are little ways we could to help.

How to
Photo taken from Money Observer

With the global temperature continuously rising, the planet could end up inhabitable and too warm for human survival. Although it’s practically impossible for one person to reverse the climate’s path, collective effort could end up with huge and noticeable results.

Recently, the city council of New York declared ‘Climate Emergency’ to call for a global movement to restore safe climate.

While, thinking of ways to effectively help could be difficult to wrap our heads around, there are simple ways we could do to take small steps towards better climate.

Here are some tips on how to help:


The most obvious and most reiterated advice is to avoid the use of plastic. However, in some cases, there really is a need of plastic for special purposes. But if it cannot be totally removed for it serves important purposes, it’s important to reduce the use of it. Refrain from single-use plastics such as plastic cups, straws, packaging if there are available alternatives.


Doing away with fossil fuels could also be an excellent choice for the environment. Although solar panel set-ups could be expensive, its price rates are decreasing with the gradual advancements in technology. So start small and start with a small set-up in a tiny area around your home.


With the threats of climate crisis, it’s surprising that not most people are alarmed. Lack of awareness is actually one of the biggest factors that causes the mistreatment of natural resources and misuse of other resources that often end up as pollutants.


To reduce the air pollution, using public transport vehicles could be one of the easiest solutions. It helps by reducing the carbon emitting cars on the streets. Also, the more people use public transport, the less traffic congestion.

These are based on an article from Interesting Engineering.

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