Parents Named Their Baby ‘Google’, Hoping He Will Be As Useful

These Parents Named Their Baby ‘Google’ Hoping He’d Be As Useful

PARENTS – These Indonesian parents decided to name their baby ‘Google’ following a naming tradition believing names are prayers.

Photo taken from Kumparan

Unusual names are being revealed more and more recently, especially now that social media networking platforms allows easy sharing of photos and other information.

A man named ‘Lodhi Petmalu’ went viral in the Philippines recently for resembling the trendy expression ‘Lodi Petmalu’.

Meanwhile, these parents from Indonesia decided to name their kid ‘Google’ believing that names symbolizes their hopes. They named the kid ‘Google’ apparently hoping that their newborn would turn out as useful to others as the popular search engine.

The baby add to an already established list of Indonesian babies with unique and unusual names.

The couple was from Bekasi Regency, West Java. It seemed like they were inspired by the amazing features of the internet so much that it influenced their choice when they were picking a name for their baby.

Baby ‘Google’ was birthed on Nov. 30, 2018. With his parents, Andi Cahya Saputra and Ella Karina, 31 years old and 27 years old respectively.

He is the first and only member of their family with an unusual search engine inspired name. His older sister has a normal Indonesian name.

The father revealed the name in a conversation with Kumparan – an Indonesian news outlet – saying:

“His name is just Google. G-o-o-g-l-e, only one word.”

He also revealed that he considered many other names both from unusual tech-inspired names and more usual names:

“I had Microsoft, iPhone, iOS, Windows, and many others. From religion, we considered the names of the prophets, and from the more usual names, we also considered Albar Dirgantara Putra. But when he was finally born, something in my heart told me the name Albar Dirgantara Putra wouldn’t suit [my son]. At last, I took a name from the technology category.”

This is according to an article from MSN News.

That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.

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